Thursday, August 21, 2014


An easy way to make cards or mini art is to drip ink on watercolor paper. I swirled and made marks with chopsticks and skewers.
Here is a photo of 1/3 of the watercolor paper, before it was cut up.

By cutting into smaller pieces, it becomes more interesting. I could pick out images and designs.

I then doodled around the images I saw with a white pen, and a black pen.

I'll use these for collages,greeting cards, and happy mail.
It  made for a relaxing evening.


  1. These look so cool, I too sometimes make a page and then cut it up :)

  2. Thank you for reminding us that we'll get more use out of those full page pieces if they were cut up. I know I have a few that can use this technique. Thanks for sharing Vicki! I love what you did with yours.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. High praise from my talented artist friends, Betty, Leike, and Tora, thank you!

  4. Great technique and results! Looks great!!!
    Best wishes,
    Moni (Penny Lane)
